Mahira Khan Reveals Her Secret DIY Mask

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As a young girl my mother had this strange thing against makeup (still does). So while all my friends went through that age of discovering different shades of lipstick, my mother would think of different ways to dissuade me from even thinking about it.

I was about 15-years-old when she told me one day, “listen I have this magic mixture you put on your face, you see what happens after you put it on”. Till date I find myself putting that ‘magic’ mixture on my face and feeling good about myself. Call it psychological if you may but it always works for me. I don’t do it regularly, but maybe on a night out or an off day just for fun.

Honey and Lemon Mask 

Squeeze half a lemon out in a bowl. Add a teaspoon or a little more of honey in it. Mix it well. Apply it on your face. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes. Wash with cold water and then let your skin breathe for the day. You can also apply a moisturizer right after.

Try it and tell me what you guys thought!

Love and magic,



Please note: Some skin types are sensitive to lemon juice so please patch test on another area – such as the inside of your elbow – before applying lemon juice to the face. Most skin types are sensitive to sun exposure after application of lemon juice so please do not venture outside with these masks on, and wear appropriate sun protection.

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