6 Tips To Get Rid Of Under-Eye Bags

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Is the puffiness under your eyes taking away the attention from the real prize? We get it. Luckily there are ways to reduce and get rid of under-eye puffiness. All you have to do is follow these easy to do tips regularly. Oh, and you’re welcome!

Get Proper Sleep

Ladies, it’s called beauty sleep for a reason (and yes, it is actually a thing!) Getting an inadequate amount of sleep makes your skin feeling dull and tired, which in turn increases the puffiness under your eyes. So first thing is first – to get rid of those eye bags, you need to sleep well. There are no two ways about it.

Reduce Your Salt Intake

One of the many disadvantages of salt is that it causes fluid retention and can lead to puffiness around the eyes. If your salt consumption is high then immediately cut down. If you eat out a lot, be wary as restaurants tend to pack on the salt in their food. Instead, eat more vegetables and fruits – you’ll need those extra antioxidants!

Sunscreen Is The Ultimate Saviour

Sunscreen comes up in every skincare conversation, and we would be surprised if you’re officially sick of it. But trust us, this step is an extremely important one. When exposed to the sun, the skin around your eyes gets saggy and wrinkles become more visible. The easiest way to prevent this is to always apply sunscreen when going out. For better results, you can wear a pair of sunglasses too.

Try Cold Compress

If the bags under your eyes are actually very puffy, then give cold compress a try. Along with reducing puffiness, it will also make your skin more radiant. If you’re wondering how to do this – it’s pretty simple. Either take a used tea bag, chilled spoon, cool cucumber, or ice cubes and let it rest on your eyes for 15 to 20 minutes. This simple solution proves to be quite effective.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration is one of the major causes of puffiness under the eyes. To stay fresh and glowing make sure you are staying hydrated throughout the day. Along with water, the intake of other fluids such as juices can also keep you hydrated, as well as food with high water content such as watermelon. However, nothing like plain old water (8-10 glasses at least) to do the trick.

Invest In A Good Eye Cream

Your mid-20s are a good time to start using eye cream. Why you may ask? Because prevention is always better than cure. By investing in a good eye-cream you are giving the skin around your eyes some extra care by infusing it with antioxidants and vitamins. This will not only help with puffiness and dark circles, but it will also help slow down the ageing process around the eyes.

Puffiness under the eyes or dark circles can happen for a number of reasons, and yes it can also be hereditary. But even if it is, follow these steps and eat a potassium rich diet (lots of bananas) and you will be able to reduce the puffiness a great deal.

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