7 Things You Should Do To Always Smell Good

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You can dress to the nines but it won’t matter much if you’re not smelling good and fresh. A pleasing scent is far more important in making an impression, as it not only shows you’re hygienic but also makes you appear much more attractive. And while anyone can drown themselves in perfume, there are a few extra steps you can take to ensure the scent lasts all day. Scroll down to find seven easy-to-do secrets to make sure you smell good, all day long.

Shower Regularly

Being clean is the first and most important step to smelling great. If it wasn’t obvious already, we’re saying it today – pay attention to your hygiene. Clean and fresh skin always smells pleasant and it is only possible if you maintain your hygiene with regular showers and body wash. Whether you prefer a bar soap or a shower gel, make sure it is fragrant and doesn’t clash with any other scents you’ll be using later on.

Moisturise, Moisturise, Moisturise

A fact that most people don’t know is that dry skin cannot retain fragrance for extended periods of time. If your skin is moisturised and hydrated, the perfume will smell stronger and last longer. So if not for any other reason, make sure you don’t forget to moisturise your skin regularly. Some people prefer body oils, while some people stick to lotions – and some others mix the two together! Whatever you prefer, make sure it’s something that won’t just keep you soft and supple, but also something that smells warm and easy to wear – not too strong (there’s so much more coming up).


A step that is obvious (we know) but also one that is so important! And sometimes, the best of us forget it – so it’s best to keep a travel-sized version with you in your handbag. Apply it before and after exercising and keep refreshing it as needed. Whether you’re a clinical strength kind of person or a more natural, aluminium-free one, try something with a natural scent. You want your deodorant to make you feel and smell fresh!

Hair Products

Hair products should not overpower the scents you intentionally want to smell like, but they should smell good in their own right. This is true for everything starting with your shampoo and conditioner to that hairspray you never leave the house without. Before committing to a whole bottle of something, a good thing to do is try a small sample size and make sure it merges perfectly with your most trusted products.

Keep Your Clothes Fresh

It’s not just your skin that needs to smell good, but your clothes need some TLC as well. There are some easy things you can do to ensure this, like leaving your closet open to air out your clothes and avoid that humid odour. Or make sure you’re washing your clothes using a fabric conditioner and spritzing fabric fresheners on your clothes to keep them smelling fresh.

Shop Smartly

Not every perfume that smells good is right for you. Everyone has a different body chemistry, which means perfumes smell different on different people. Take your time, read reviews, try samples and only buy a scent once you’re completely satisfied with how it smells on you, and your preference. Yes, the fancy packaging is usually a marketing gimmick, so don’t get enamoured by that either. Now to the unspoken rules of perfume – more is not always more when it comes to smelling good, more can also be quite headache inducing. A few spritzes here and there are more than enough (especially if you’re doing the other steps and already smell incredible).

Avoid Eating Smelly Food

On most occasions, you smell like your food! Try to avoid eating food that is loaded with onions, garlic and mustard (amongst other strong smelling foods), as they can release odor through your pores for hours after you eat them. And if you really can’t resist all that spicy food on your night out then always make sure you’re carrying mints with you.

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