6 Struggles All Girls On A Diet Can Relate To

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They say things get hard before they get good, and that couldn’t be more true for diets. Before reaching the nirvana of clear skin that comes with cutting out dairy, or the rock hard defined abs from increased protein, you’ve got to suffer through the diets that get you there. It’s no smooth road, that’s for sure. Whether you’re skinny or curvy, diets have no mercy — they come for all with equal pain. The struggle isn’t easy, but it’s worth it in the end!

1. Having To Ditch Plans

Your diet affects more than just your relationship with food — you’ve got to manage your squad too. Most plans to hang out revolve around where to eat, and it’s a universal injustice to have to order salads while your friends indulge in all the carbs they want. It can hurt to watch. We’re all guilty of opting out of a plan every now and then to save us the grief!

2. Constantly Checking Calories 

There are two sets of numbers at the back of every food product you’ll find our eyes glued on: the price, and the calorie count. Having a tiny panic attack at the caloric value of your favourite snacks isn’t a unique experience — we’ve all been there. Who knew that’s actually how much damage a packet of Doritos was doing? 

3. The Endless Comments

We know they mean well, but the stream of comments about our appearance is more than annoying. “You don’t even need to be on a diet,” or “your cheeks were so cute” are the most obvious examples. In truth? The list could go on and on. Follow our advice: in one ear, and out the other. More often than not, the comments are coming from the same people who never missed a chance to body shame you before. 

4. Being Told To Have A Cheat Day Every Day

It’s like clockwork — you say you’re on a diet, and someone that wants to go out eat suggests you might as well ‘make today your cheat day.’ We’re not sure what leads people to think this, but this is their official reminder: stop! Cheat days are designated days to go all out. They have to be earned, and can’t be moved around! The most frustrating thing is having to deal with people who insist you to do a cheat day following their own whims. 

5. Dodging Family Gatherings

Weddings, birthdays, or regular get togethers with the extended family — they’re only good for two things: gossip and food. No matter how hard you might try, there’s no way you can stop an aunty or grandparent from stuffing your plate with food. No matter how solid your excuse is, you’re still going to end up with a plate of food to politely fiddle with. 

6. Progress Checks Every Other Day

The only thing that gets us through diets are checking our progress.. or lack thereof. Everyone’s got an old t-shirt or pair of jeans that they try on every now and then to see if they can finally fit into again. They key is being optimistic, but only if that alone actually got us closer to our goals. Stay strong, ladies!

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