6 Productive Things To Do before 7AM Every Day

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The biggest milestone that marks your transition from young adult to adult is ignoring the snooze button on your morning alarm. Sadly, there aren’t too many of us that have learned that trick just yet. We use and abuse the snooze button, and are habitually late to work, chugging coffee in the car, and catching up on emails on our way through the door. Instead of just waking up and rushing through your day, try experiencing the morning to the fullest. These could be the few hours that predict how productive your day is going to be Whether you wake up three or two, or even just one hour before heading off to work, the idea is to have enough time to ensure a positive start to the day. A few simple tweaks to your daily morning schedule and you’ll feel an unfamiliar spring in your step as you hop out the door.

1. Go For A Morning Walk

Going for a 30 minute morning walk with fresh air around you can literally change your life. It helps calm your nerves, lifts up your mood, and keeps you on the go, all day long. It will kick start your day, and increase your level of activity if you spent the majority of your day at a desk too.

2. Read Something Inspiring

Reading the newspaper might already be a part of your morning ritual, but if it makes you more cynical than optimistic, opt for something inspiring. You’ll have the entire day to stay up to date with the news. Let your mornings be about motivation. The intention is to read. It can be a few pages from your current read, a quote, or a short story – anything that motivates you for the day.

3. Plan Your Outfit

For all the girls who delve into their wardrobes 15 minutes before going to work and eventually settle for the third thing they see, trust us, you can do better! Planning your outfit early in the morning will save you from the hassle, and you’ll end up feeling better about yourself throughout the day, with way more confidence.

4. Prepare Your Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day: skipping it is terrible for you. Instead of depending on someone else to make you breakfast, get inside the kitchen and prepare it all on your own. It will leave you feeling accomplished (especially if you’re a lazy soul) and will keep you active for the rest of the day.

5. Jot Down Three Things You’re Grateful For

Our busy lives can make us oblivious to everything we have to be grateful for. Every day when you’re up early, think about at least three things you’re grateful for. Whether it’s something as cheesy as the beauty of nature, a person, your job, or anything else – note them down. Turn this into a daily habit and become an advocate of positivity and self love.

6. Set Three Goals For The Day

We’re talking about realistic goals here — ones that can be achieved in a day. Grab a piece of paper and write down the first three things that pop up in your mind. It could be something as simple as being punctual at work. The aim is to boost your confidence to set bigger goals for the future.

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