10 Questions All Girls Should Ask Their Best Friends To Strengthen Their Bond

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We’ve all grown up asking our friends about their favourite movies, songs and crushes – all questions that ensure we know our besties the best. But friendship is more than just watching movies together, dancing on your favourite tunes and laughing out loud over silly things. It’s about having deep, intimate conversations that help you understand their strengths and weaknesses, their good and bad and their dreams and aspirations. Not only is it a great way to strengthen your friendship but can also help your friend feel relaxed around you. So you think you know all about your friend? Wait till you ask them these questions.

What Is Your Biggest Fear?

Fear, whether big or small, has a huge impact on a person. The pressure of putting on a brave face makes people hide their fears, no matter how stressful it gets. If there’s one person your friend shouldn’t be ashamed of sharing their biggest fears with, it’s you. So try to have a profound conversation with them and ask them what they fear the most.

What Embarrasses You The Most?

Some people are hard-wired to feel embarrassed even in the most mundane situations. They might dread being in a particular setting or randomly recall an awkward memory that makes them uncomfortable on the spot. As their friend you should know which things make your bestie feel bothered and do whatever it takes to save them in such tricky situations.

How Do You Like To Be Comforted When Upset?

To console an upset friend, the first thing you’re likely to do is give them a tight hug and convince them to tell you what’s bugging them. But does that really help or make them feel uncomfortable? When in a bad mood some people may crave attention while others like to be left alone. It’s important for you to know whether your friend falls in the former or latter category, so the next time you try cheering up them you don’t end up making them feel worse.

 What’s On Top Of Your Bucket List?

When discussing the day-to-day, ever wondered what your friend wants to achieve in life? What are the goals and aspirations on their mind that they’ve never shared with anyone? Ask them now, if you haven’t already, and start working on them together. Because something that makes your BFF happy, will make you happy.

What’s Your Biggest Insecurity?

No one finds it easy to share their insecurities with someone, but sharing it with a trusted friend can be a source of relief. Whether it’s their looks, their intellect or a relationship that your friend is always conscious and insecure about — ask them and help them overcome it.

 What Are Your Regrets?

Whether big or small, regrets can weigh heavily on a person and disturb their mind forever. A great way one can ease the burden is by talking about it with someone. Your friend might not share it on their own, but they’ll love for you to ask them and have a conversation about it.

Is There A Toxic Person In Your Life?

Sometimes the closest relationships can turn out to be most toxic. It can be a parent, a friend or a significant other. In such situations, people usually hide what’s going on for fear of being judged. To find out if your friend is dealing with a similar situation, ask them if they ever get toxic vibes from anyone. After all, you’re the only person they’ll be comfortable sharing such intimate details with.

What’s The Bravest Things You’ve Done?

A basic rule of friendship: always uplift your BFF. Sometimes your friend may not realise the amazing things they’ve done or are capable of doing in their life. Being a good friend, it’s your duty to remind them of it. Ask them what the bravest thing they’ve done is and see them get all excited about it.

What Emotions Do You Experience The Most?

Nobody is always happy, sad or angry. Sometimes a person’s emotions are visible on their face, but other times they may even struggle themselves figuring out their emotions. This question can help your friend focus on their state of mind.

What’s Your Favourite Childhood Memory?

Talking to someone about their childhood memories is one of the best ways to connect on a more personal level. And if their favourite childhood memory involves you, then nothing can ever weaken your bond.

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