6 Tips To Save For Your Dream Vacation

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A holiday spent in a different part of the world is all kinds of fun, but the only thing that brings it down is the expense it comes with. Travelling is never been cheap but with the dollar rate reaching a new high every other day, it’s become even harder to plan an exotic vacation. For many, going on a holiday is only possible if they start planning ahead and a major part that is saving ahead of time. While it definitely isn’t a piece of cake, some smart tips and tricks can help you save! If you’ve been dreaming of a wonderful vacation but struggling with savings, here are some tips to get you to your goal.

1. Start Early

The most important thing is to start saving early. The earlier you start, the more you’ll save and the faster you can go on your dream vacay! Start planning for it in advance — at least six months earlier. Starting early gives you enough time to grow your vacation fund by saving in small chunks.

2. Research The Destination

You won’t know how much money you need until you find out how expensive your dream destination is. From accommodation charges to cab fares and food costs, it’s important to have thorough information on even the smallest of expenses. This way you’ll know exactly how much you have to save and won’t be caught by surprise.

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3. Have A Dedicated Savings Account

Saving for your holiday in your transaction account isn’t the smartest technique. Instead, set up a separate account specifically for your vacation funds. Having a separate account will keep the temptation of spending at bay. You will also be able to keep a proper record of how much you’ve saved and how close you are to your goal. Use an app if that makes things easier than opening up a new bank account.

4. Look For Extra Income

Keeping money aside from your salary isn’t always easy. If the calculated expenses of your dream holiday are exceeding your budget, you may need to find an extra source of income. Finding a part-time gig, working overtime or lending your car for a cab service are some ways you can make up for the extra funds you need.

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5. Save Each Day

Even the smallest changes can lead to huge outcomes. Tweaking your everyday budget may seem like an insignificant move, but it can add up quicker than you think. Being mindful of your daily spending is great way to save. Prioritise home-cooked food over eating out, reduce your weekly hangouts and spend less on clothes, shoes and bags. We know it’s easier said than done, but once you get to that fabulous vacation, it’ll all be worth it.

6. Stay Motivated

Keep in mind that there will be times when you get fed up and stop trying. But you’ll never get to your goal if you give up! Save pictures of your desired destination and have a look at them whenever you feel like giving up. Read blogs about your soon-to-be-getaway and follow travel accounts on Instagram. This way you’ll be reminded of your goal often and be motivated to keep saving.

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