6 Things About Medicine We Learnt From Hena Khwaja

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Unless you’ve studied medicine and know the ins and outs of the human body, you probably have a million questions regarding it all – especially about the newest coronavirus that has taken the global world by storm! Luckily, we had general practitioner Hena Khwaja answer some of the questions that you guys sent in for her. Keep reading to learn about the coronavirus, the effect of anti allergies and more!

1. It’s True – Most Anti-Allergy Medicine Does Cause Drowsiness

With the kind of weather we’ve been having, everyone has gotten sick and often, more than once. The flu has been everywhere and so has the usage of an anti allergy so it’s not strange to worry about whether or not it truly does cause drowsiness. Hena Khwaja says that certain types of anti allergies such as “Chlorphenamine and Promethazine can make you drowsy which is why it’s important not to drive or use heavy machinery after taking them.” However, other anti-allergy medication such as “Cetirizine loratadine is less likely to, but should still be used with precaution.” Also, remember that every medicine affects different individuals in separate manners – just because someone else doesn’t feel drowsy when taking a certain medicine, doesn’t mean you won’t!

2. Vaginal Discharge Is Normal

If you’ve been having some vaginal discharge and are concerned, our expert for the week is here to tell you that it’s completely normal! It’s a way for the dead cells and bacteria inside to be flushed out and it’s your body’s way of actually keeping clean and preventing infection. However, if you feel like the the colour, smell and consistency of it is different from usual, you might want to get it checked by a doctor. Hena says that some of the reasons for abnormal discharge are “STD, yeast and bacteria.” But, there are other things that can also upset the balance so it’s important to visit a doctor and figure out what it is that could be affecting your body.

3. First Trimester Care Is Extremely Important

If you’ve recently found out you’re pregnant, congratulations! However, while you celebrate this moment, it’s also important to be take care of yourself and your baby. The first twelve weeks, also known as your first trimester, is extremely important according to our practitioner and she advises certain things to be vigilant about. “Stop smoking, stay active, take supplements of folic acid as well as Vitamin D and avoid taking anything containing Vitamin A (retinol). In addition, be mindful of your diet – there are certain foods you should be avoiding at this time, such as specific cheeses and fish.”

4. There Is No Fixed Way To Tell If You Have The Coronavirus

The new Wuhan coronavirus has sent everyone into a frenzy and with so many people also catching the flu, everyone wants to know if they could potentially have the coronavirus. However, Hena Khwaja says that there is no sure way to determine if you have the new virus from the symptoms alone. Because the symptoms are so similar to that of a common flu or influenza, it’s difficult to diagnose it. Hospitals and health professionals are currently trying to figure out a more efficient way of dealing with it, but till then, definitely go to the doctor if you think you might potentially have coronavirus!

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5. How To Reduce Your Chances Of Getting The Coronavirus

Pakistan has thankfully not been hit as of yet by this virus, but there are whispers that some people might be diagnosed with it. With that in mind, we wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to take steps to make sure you don’t catch it. Our expert recommends “washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, avoiding touching your face and staying home if you have flu or fever symptoms.” Here’s to hoping we all follow this advice and stay viral free!

6. Abnormal Pain During Periods Could Hint At A Medical Condition

First of all, our expert wants to make it clear that it is normal to experience some pain below the belly during your period. However, if your flow and intensity of pain is more than normal, it is integral that you get it checked by a gynaecologist. There can be several reasons for intense pain and Hena points out a few: endometriosis, fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, adenomas, etc.

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