Beauty Notes: Aloe Vera Mask

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Sometimes the best advice we give actually comes from you! Mashion Insider Saania Gul sent in a mask recipe that promises to give you softer skin and help get rid of pimples! That is quite the claim, one we couldn’t ignore. Read to discover!


  1. Fresh aloe vera plant
  2. 1 big lemon


  1. First peel the skin off the aloe vera plant
  2. Next, pour the aloe vera into a bowl and mix it well
  3. Add the lemon juice into it and mix the concoction well
  4. Store this mixture in your fridge and apply it in the morning and before sleeping for a week


Some skin types are sensitive to certain ingredients. Please patch test on another area – such as the inside of your elbow or hand – before applying anything on your face. This mask was tried on combination skin.

About the mask: This is a great fix for all skin types except sensitive skin. The main ingredient is aloe vera, which is known for it’s soothing qualities, however lemon does not suit everyone so we suggest testing this mask out before committing to it. The lemon helps dry out pimples, but it may also aggravate it – hence we suggest using it carefully and if for any reason it does not suit you, feel free to swap lemon with another ingredient such as turmeric or use aloe vera alone.

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