Everything You Need To Know About the Vampire Facial

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Every woman desires healthy, glowing skin. It’s no secret. We invest in a variety of products that could line a whole grocery wall, endure treatments on the regular, and get weekly facials. Why? For that elusive, dewy glow we crave deep down. The days of simply cleansing and moisturising once a day are long gone, my friend. New skin procedures pop up all the time, and facials are getting more and more complicated with the addition of lasers and machines. We can hardly keep up — and to be honest, don’t even know if we want to – we’re still on the fence about some of the new treatments that are gaining momentum. 

Kim Kardashian has become synonymous with beauty and craziness simultaneously. There are very few things she won’t try. She famously freeze-dried and ate her own placenta after giving birth. With the promise of eternal youth dangling in front of her, she opted for an even less appetising treatment for her skin. Is the secret to her perfect skin from the bizarre Vampire Facial? It seems like it could be. 

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma procedure, is the more popularly known Vampire Facial. It’s become a la mode among celebrities, models, and Instagram influencers around the world, so you’ve probably heard of it at the least. Sure, it sounds both scary and medical at first — but the final outcome is actually extremely surprising, and more or less painless.  

The Vampire Facial or PRP involves extracting blood from your arm in the same way you would for a blood test. It is then processed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma from other, less desirable components of the blood. The concentrated plasma is rich with platelets. This is then injected into areas of the face.

This facial rejuvenates your skin in a completely natural way. This isn’t a cosmetic procedure in the sense that, you’re not being injected with fillers or chemicals. It gives your skin a smoother texture, and a brighter glow almost instantly. Using your own blood, this facial also lifts your skin and boosts collagen production. In our opinion, it’s one of the wackiest, but effective anti-ageing treatments around. 

This isn’t a treatment reserved for stars and models though. Depilex Salon, which has branches all across Pakistan, offers PRP treatments. If you’re on the hunt for a reputable institute to head to, book a consultation here!

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