6 Ways To Tame Flyaway Hair

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Flyaways can’t be tamed, and that’s a defeat we’re not fessing up to easily. We tried – bottles of hairspray were squeezed till the last spritz and bobby pins were geometrically inserted at all angles. We tried till we were red in the face, and like a mischievous child, our flyaways kept popping back up without fail. Flyaway hair can turn a good hair day into a bad one, lend sleek hair a frizzy appearance, ruin the perfect outfit for a night out. It’s such a small, but major, fatal detail to ignore. I’s even more frustrating to have to deal with without some proper guidance. We’ve been there and don’t want to see you suffer. Scroll down and see what you need to keep flyaway hair firmly grounded and secure.

1. Gentle Shampoos Win

Flyaways usually become visible once you’re done styling your hair. But you shouldn’t wait for them to appear and then rectify. Instead, begin controlling them well before time. Start with using the right shampoo. As flyaways are closely related to frizz and dryness, a gentle, anti-frizz shampoo will work well for most hair types.

2. Skip Daily Shampooing

If you shampoo your hair every single day, your good intentions are falling by the wayside. Especially if you have curly or coarse hair. Shampoos contain a large amount of chemicals and sulphates that dry out your hair. Instead, rinse your hair every two days with only conditioner because it is less likely to cause breakage and frizz in the long run, and keep your hair moisturised.

3. Avoid Drying Your Hair With Towel

Your hair is the most prone to damage and breakage while it is wet. That means it’s in its most fragile state after being washed. Using a towel to roughly dry them is a recipe for disaster. Most cotton towels have very harsh fibres which create friction with your hair, leading to more frizz and flyaways. Try a clean cotton t-shirt instead. It’s a much better option because the soft fabric will keep your hair safe from any frizz while still drying it. 

4. Avoid Brushing Dry Hair

Your hairbrush could be doing more harm than good – and the evidence is in your ever present flyaway hairs. It’s time to befriend a wide-tooth comb. Brushing through dry hair — especially curly or thick textured follicles — causes frizz and flyaways. Detangling them with a comb first, preferably when it’s still wet or damp, will prevent frizz as well as breakage. 

5. Multi-Purpose Toothbrush 

There’s nothing worse than spotting flyaways after you’ve already styled your hair into a chic ponytail. As a last minute fix, all you need is a clean toothbrush and hair spray. Spritz the toothbrush with the hair spray and the proceed to brush it over your hairline or the flyways directly. It will lock them in place, and you’ll be ready to head out the door worry free!

6. Go Easy With Heat Styling

This is a no brainer. Using hot hair styling tools can transform your dull and lifeless hair for a night, but is it really worth the long term damage? Excessive use over time will make your hair weak, dry, and contribute to more split ends. It’s also a major contributor for flyaways. You’ve been warned – put down the iron and blow dryer ladies!

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