6 Things Every Woman Should Do Before Settling Down

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Marriage in our society is more than a union between two families, it is a rite of passage that girls have often been taught about at an early age. As soon as a girl turns 20, her timer of marriage begins, that can seemingly go off anytime. So, buckle your seatbelts and look for the one before time runs out. Who cares if you don’t know what you want, or haven’t achieved anything you aimed to yet. Scary, right?

Pakistani women today are taking the reigns of their lives in their own hands and focusing more on being themselves than being someone’s wife, and we couldn’t be happier! Settling down can be stressful, especially if you’re not ready, or are unsure of who you actually are. These trepidations are normal and we are here to ease them, by bringing you a list of things you should do before settling down. So, when the time comes these doubts don’t loom over your head and you’re certain and ready for the next chapter in your life.

1. Complete any educational aspirations you may have

Once you get married your priorities change – and so do your responsibilities. Not to mention the added stress of simple adjustments like not being in your own space and sharing your life with someone and their family, can send even the most mature of us into a stress induced panic attack. So if you want to complete your bachelor degree, or do your master’s degree, now is the best time to do it! One stress at a time.

2. Get a grip on your finances

When you get married you’re partners in everything, bad finances and spending habits being one of them! We know we’re all guilty of impulse shopping on a bad day, or spending way too much on a pairs of heels that we don’t need but most definitely want! Get a grip on your finances before you settle down and cut down on extravagant expenses. You’re no longer the only one on this boat called life.

3. Get a job

It’s very important for a woman to be financially secure. It not only gives her control, but also empowers her to take matters into her own hands when need be. You never want to be in a position where you’re dependent on someone else for something. Marriage is about partnership, not dependency.

4. Get to know yourself

When you’re married your identity is often tied to another person. Take time to figure out who you are. Push yourself out of your comfort zone to discover what your inner core is, pick up a new hobby or make new friends to find out what you truly want from the world. Take time to discover new passions, let go of expectations, and be kind to yourself.

5. Strengthen your friendships

Often when you get married, your dynamic with your friends changes completely. You are no longer sitting together on a random Tuesday evening, watching a movie without considering anyone else’s schedule. Take this time to build the bonds that are important to you, and make sure you know how to keep them alive even when you’re married.

6. Determine what you want in the future

It is very easy to lose your opinions amidst someone else’s voice and believe it to be yours. While your partner’s happiness should be yours too, that shouldn’t mean you have to compromise what you want from your life. Be clear about things like when you want children. Sure, opinions change once you’re in a relationship but if you go in knowing what you want, it makes things a whole lot easier and smoother.

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