Common Coffee Myths Debunked

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Yes, we’ve heard it all. Coffee is addictive; coffee stunts your growth; coffee is bad for the heart. But is all of this actually true? We’re here to debunk some of the craziest myths about coffee out there and prove why coffee (in moderation!) is completely okay to consume.

Caffeine doesn’t increase the risk of heart disease:

Caffeinated coffee works like adrenaline, making your heart pump harder and faster. However, a 2016 Journal of the American Heart Association study found that coffee did not cause any increase in irregular heartbeats in elderly people. Coffee is completely safe for the heart if consumed in moderation.

Coffee isn’t dehydrating:

Coffee won’t dehydrate you. In fact, Coffee can help you meet your daily fluid needs, according to the institute of medicine. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition actually found that, when testing 13 different drinks, coffee ranked closest to water!

Coffee is not addictive

The idea that caffeine is addictive is probably the most common misconception out there. However, this simply isn’t true. Sure, a coffee drinker who chooses to suddenly quit might face mild headaches temporarily, but these headaches are guaranteed to disappear after a few days. Your body would return to normal, and there would be no lasting negative effects.

Coffee does not cause cancer

According to several health professionals, there is no evidence linking coffee consumption with an increased risk of cancer. In fact, the WHO actually removed coffee from its list of carcinogens in 2016.

Coffee will not stunt your growth

This misconception comes from the idea that coffee causes osteoporosis, which is a condition associated with a loss in height. However, this is totally untrue, and there’s no evidence to support this claim! Your height is primarily determined by your genes, as well as your overall health. Not a few cups of coffee!

Coffee in the evening will probably not keep you up all night

Honestly, this isn’t exactly a myth, but it largely depends on the individual consuming the cup of coffee. Figure out what your tolerance to caffeine is, and you should be good to have a cup in the evening without sacrificing your sleep.

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