The Women Making Us Proud This Pakistan Day

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Pakistan Day is the historic commemoration of a historic event – the day the idea for our nation was conceived. Like the great minds that came together to dedicate their lives to the creation of this country, we celebrate the strong, the bold, and the honourable for their annual services to Pakistan. There’s no honour greater than receiving recognition on March 23rd. Whether it’s for your contributions to cinema and the arts, or activism, lawmaking or soldiering, Pakistan would stagnate without the individuals who make us proud. We’re ecstatic to say this year features some incredibly inspiration women receiving a whole spectrum of accolades – from the Tamgha-i-Imtiaz and Pride of Performance, to the Sitara-i-Imtiaz, these ladies are the front runners of their fields. From actors to entrepreneurs, here are the Pakistani women we’re cheering for today.

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