6 Beauty Products You Should Never Share With Anyone

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We’ve always been taught that sharing is caring. But this rule doesn’t necessarily apply everywhere, especially when it comes to makeup. Those things are precious! But if we’re being honest, we’ve all been guilty of sharing our makeup with our besties. We’ve borrowed our friend’s lipstick so many times it’s practically ours! That’s the beauty of female friendships – being able to borrow each other’s clothes and beauty essentials. All these years we thought we were doing our friends a favour, but we were actually exposing them, as well as ourselves, to tons of infections! Turns out some products can be carriers of germs and should not be shared. Read on to find out which products you should never lend or borrow!

1. Mascara

A staple in our beauty bags, mascara tops the list of products that you can neither borrow nor lend to anyone. Since eyes are the most sensitive part of your body and don’t have the same layer of protection as your skin, they are easily prone to infections. Mascaras can also harbour all kinds of viruses and bacteria that can lead to contagious diseases, such as conjunctivitis. Nobody needs that!

2. Lip Products

Whether it’s lipstick, lip balm or lip gloss, just remember one thing: lip products are not for sharing! Even if your friend has that perfect shade that goes with your outfit, you just can’t borrow it. Lip products can be potential carrier of germs and sharing any of these increases your risk of contracting diseases, such as cold sores.

3. Sponges And Brushes

No matter how thoroughly you wash them, borrowed makeup brushes and sponges are still harmful for your skin. They collect all the oil and dirt that may be present on a person’s skin and can be a source of cross-contamination. Imagine all the gunk and dirt from one person’s skin on your own – no, no, no!

4. Cream Eyeshadow

When your friend has the coolest palette of cream eyeshadows, the urge to share it is natural and understood. Sorry, but that’s still not a good enough reason to expose your skin to various germs. Cream eyshadows are tacky in nature and can easily catch and harbour microbes. Your eyes are too sensitive to even risk exposing to that!

5. Products That Come In A Jar

Whether a gel eyeliner, bronzer, eye cream or lip balm — anything that comes in a jar or pot is a big no for sharing. Such products require you to dip your fingers in them, which can be the easiest and fastest way for germs to transfer and get absorbed in our skin. And why on earth would anyone want someone else’s germs to be absorbed on their face? We’ll pass!

6. Mani/Pedi Tools

Nail buffers, files and clipper are meant to be shared, right? No! As harmless as they may seem, these tools can expose you to various infections. The areas around the finger and toenails have the most breaks in the skin. Blood can get onto any of these tools and then be easily transmitted in your skin, which can cause nail fungus as well serious diseases. Even when you go to a salon, take your own tools. This stuff is no joke!

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